Sugar Crafty Brush Variety
Paintbrush Instructions & Care
Care Instructions:
Wash brushes carefully with cold water before use to eliminate any loose bristles.
Never use the same brushes for oil and water based paints.
Avoid dipping the brush so far into the paint that paint gets into the ferrule.
The ferrule is the metal part of the brush that attaches the bristles to the handle.
Avoid getting paint on the brush handle as it may absorb the paint colour and permanently discolour the handle.
Do not sit brushes on their bristles in a water jar - this will cause them to bend or fray. After rinsing or while not in use, rest brushes on a brush holder.
Clean your brushes immediately after use - Do not let paint dry on your brush.
Store dry brushes vertically bristle-side-up or horizontally in a protecting box - Never store brushes on their bristles.
Your brush bristles may discolour over time from paint, however this will not affect the quality and performance of the brush.
Cleaning Instructions:
* Use a cloth or rag to wipe paint from the bristles.
* Rinse the brush.
* Clean with a mild soap (If the brush is not completely clean yet).
* Shape the bristles with your fingers and let dry.
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We are located at Shop 9 Bangor Shopping Centre, 121 Yala Road Bangor 2234 NSW Australia.
We are Sutherland Shire's go-to local cake decorating supplies store. You can purchase all your cake decorating needs with us!
If you wish to chat with one of our friendly staff, please don't hesitate to call the shop on 02 8519 6771, between the hours of 10am until 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am until 1pm on Saturday.
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ON TREND Cake Decorating Supplies.